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If people are searching for your product or services on search engines like Google and Bing, then yes.
We use tools to gather search volume data, so if you're unsure, we can look into this for you.
Measuring success differs depending on your goals as a business, but generally our clients fall into one of two categories: ecommerce and lead generation.
For ecommerce businesses, we typically measure revenue, ROAS (revenue generated by ads/spend = ROAS) and year-on-year increases. Depending on your business, we may also track other goals.
For lead generation businesses, we typically measure leads, CPA (advertising spend/leads = CPA) and year-on-year increases.
We work with businesses of all shapes and sizes, budgets big and small. This can vary from monthly budgets as small as £500, to well over £100,000 – both of which come with their own unique challenges.
Our Paid Media team specialise in working with both ecommerce and lead generation, so no matter what products you sell or services you provide, we have you covered.
You'll be glad to hear, we write all of the ad copy for you. At first, we take the time to learn about your business, gaining as much insight and knowledge from you as possible.
As time passes, we become experienced and knowledgeable in each our of client's industries, making writing engaging, relevant ad copy no problem.
The average cost per click for Search is £2.10, but, take this with more than a pinch of salt. It varies massively from industry to industry, being as low as <£0.10 in cases, to £50+ per click in others.
We like to focus more on the profitability of the account overall, as opposed to the cost per click.
If you're already running PPC, our quick wins will be almost instant. Achieving sustainable increases in profitability and year-on-year results, which are the ultimate goals, can vary depending on the current position of your account. With that being said, we typically expect to see measurable improvements in weeks, as opposed to months or years.
If you're not running PPC already, we aim to see initial results quickly, within the first week or two of advertising in most cases. This scales over time, as our campaigns mature into month 2 and beyond.